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greenland ice sheet中文是什么意思

用"greenland ice sheet"造句"greenland ice sheet"怎么读"greenland ice sheet" in a sentence


  • [网络] 格陵兰冰原;格陵兰冰盖;格林兰冰片


  • The composition of the ice age atmosphere is known precisely from air bubbles trapped as the antarctic and greenland ice sheets and numerous mountain glaciers built up from annual snowfall
  • "at 1.7 million square km 656, 000 square miles, up to 3 km nearly two miles thick and a little smaller than mexico, the greenland ice sheet would raise global sea level by about 7 meters 22 feet if it melted completely .
  • In recent years, cores of ice drilled in the antarctic and greenland ice sheets have provided extremely valuable evidence about the earth's past climate, including changes in the concentrations of the greenhouse gases
  • Late last year, for example, researchers analyzed data from canadian and european satellites and found that the greenland ice sheet is not only melting, but doing so faster and faster, with 53 cubic miles draining away into the sea last year alone, compared to 23 cubic miles in 1996
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